Patriots and Prostitutes

Patriots or Prostitutes ?

Are our ” Democratically ” elected ” Leaders ” working in the best interest of the 300,000,000 + American citizen taxpayers ? ……or are the doing the bidding of the ” Power Behind the Throne ” ? Both parties . Need I say , it is all too obvious . The Enemy within already dominate the 7 M’s ……Money , Media , Markets , Medical , Mind [ education ] , Morals and Military . All for the sake of money and power.

Think about it , we have 535 representatives in Congress , 435 House Representatives and 100 Senators . One would think that at least 30 % to 35 % would vote contrary to what the majority would vote for but No , the majority go along in order to get along . [ Money and Power ] Examples ….. Our so called ” leaders ” are Silent when it comes to:
1. Open borders … cheap labor taking away jobs from low I.Q. / lazy Whites and Blacks . Our Leaders are Silent
2. Non stop Wars [ since 1950 ] against over 35 poor 3 rd world countries who were NO threat to us. Millions were Murdered . Our Leaders are Silent .
3. Sanctions depriving innocent women , children and the elderly of nutritious food , medicines , etc. In the case of our sanctions on Iraq between 1992 and 1997 , the British Medical Journal ” Lancet ” wrote that over 550,000 Iraqi children under the age of 6 died . [ were murdered ] The Sanctions continued until 2003 when we invaded Iraq . Now 28 years later [ 1992 – 2020 ] we still occupy Iraq . They recently asked us to leave but we Refused . [ Democracy ? ] Our Leaders are Silent .
4. Antifa violence ongoing for years now , Our leaders are silent . If it were the White K.K.K. , they would now be in prison .
5. Google , Facebook , Twitter , Amazon are allowed to delete ” politically incorrect ” points of view . Amazon who for many years allowed books with a different point of view to be sold but now they have been deleted . ” Freedom of Speech , Freedom of the Press is no longer tolerated . Our Leaders are Silent .
6. Infrastructure [ bridges , tunnels , underground water mains , etc. which is 80 + years old and rapidly deteriorating is of no concern to our Congressmen. Our rail system is 3 rd world [ slow ] compared to Europe and Asia . But they have more than enough money to gift Billions in Foreign aid to corrupt 3 rd world countries every year. [ bribes ]
7. National Debt . In 2008 it was $ 10,025,000,000,000.00 Trillion . … 2016 it was $ 19,573,000,000,000.00 , in 2019 it was $ 22,700,000,000,000.00 Trillion and now in June 2020 , it is $ 26,482,000,000,000.00 Trillion . There are multiple ways to cut costs but …… Our Leaders are Silent.
8. Off shoring heavy industry for the sake of Cheap Labor by the Mega Corps , our high paying jobs are lost . If our ” Leaders ” had the interest of American workers at heart , they would have not allowed it or put a heavy tariff or tax on the imports . But No , our Leaders are Silent .
9. We have had a $ 7.25 minimum wage of $ 7.25 an hour since 2009 . According to the inflation rate in the U.S., it should be at least $ 8.75 an hour now. Our Leaders are Silent .
10. Julian Assange , an honest / objective journalist has been crucified and tortured since 2012. He did nothing wrong but to expose the U.S. government War Crimes , outright Murder and torture of innocents . There are Psychopaths embedded in the Military and in high positions of each and every government …… and yet our Leaders are Silent.
11. Years ago , our government banned beer and alcohol commercials on T.V. It was not healthy . But now they do allow Big Pharma to peddle their assorted Drugs on T.V. to the uneducated masses . These HIGH PRICED drugs cure nothing but are little more than placebos , many are dangerous to ones health. It should be left to Doctors to prescribe these so called Meds , not to the illiterate lumpen masses. And our Leaders are Silent.
12. Before 1947 , Palestine was a sovereign country , about 90 % Muslims , 6 % or 7 % Christians and about 4 % Jewish . In 1947 , because of the 1917 Balfour agreement between the Zionists and England , the United Nations gifted the Zionists more than half of Palestine . Now 60 years later , the Zionists have through Terrorism taken over 80 % of what was Palestine in 1947 . …… And our Leaders are Silent. ” Liberty and Justice for all ? ” ” Democracy ? ”
13. How do you spell bought and paid for ” Whores ? ”